What went well?
The filming went well, Nilufa was vibrant in front of the camera - however I felt very uncomfortable. In class we reveiwed peers work and found that when a range of shots are used, it is more enjoyable to watch. Having shots that are short in length are more effective than shots that are longer as this can create a dead effect. A good tip is cutaways of random objects can be used to cover up short blank spaces. When characters are in different positions it is more interesting to watch and also when there is more movement between shots.
What could be improved?
Definitely the editing, the footage is not in perfect sync with the song. If more time was spent on this area, it could be easily changed. Also, I am not comfortable in front of the camera, my lip movement was not clear against the lyrics to the song. So in future shoots, I should avoid having this role. There was a big contrast in our performances as I was less confident.
What tips or advice would you give yourself on effective lipsyncing?
Practice the song alot before hand so when you're being filmed, your performance is natural (avoid reading off a paper).
Big clear mouth movements are required.
Be relaxed.